About Reiki Lafayette
HiWe help people heal
We’re the people behind Reiki Lafayette. We help people heal.It’s so good to meet you.Each of us is wildly different. We have different stories, personalities, struggles and loves. But. At one time or another, we have all gone through our own healing journeys.We’ve all had a moment (or two or twelve or five thousand) where we felt stuck, where we struggled, where we repeated patterns that simply didn’t serve us. We’ve driven ourselves crazy with overthinking and anxiety. We’ve loved, we’ve lost. We’ve grieved. We’ve failed and learned. We’ve closed up and been broken open again. We’ve cursed our sensitivity only to discover it to be a great gift. We get it.… and we’ve all, all, at one time or another had the courage and humility to say: “this isn’t working. I want help”. We’ve all made the bet that devoting ourselves to our healing would open us to what we yearn for most – a life full of love, connection, meaning & peace…
More on About Us
At this time in our journeys, we are…
All very human. We are works in progress. We live, we learn, we strive to show up with our full hearts. … and the truth is: we wouldn’t have it any other way.Where we once believed we were hopelessly broken, we remember
- that in every wound lies a great gift
- that there is nothing more glorious than reclaiming more of who we are, day by day, moment by moment
- we were never broken in the first place
More on About Us
In everything we do, we aim to …
Guide you back to yourself & remind you that all the same is true for you- You are not broken.
- It is entirely possible to transform every ounce of your stuckness into incredible growth.
- There is magic in you becoming exactly who you are.
We’re all just walking each other home
– Ram Dass
To help you become who you are, we’ve got…
A team of healing professionals at your disposal for life-changing one-on-one sessions.- Every healer is trained in Reiki, but our training and experience absolutely doesn’t stop there. Check out each individual practitioner’s page to learn more about their journey & credentials. (These include things like Masters in Neuropsychology, Bachelor’s of Social Work, Osteopathy Degrees & more. We’re not kidding around.)
- Every practitioner is mentored by Inge Broer, who has had the pleasure of leading over 2500 healing sessions (and teaching over 100 classes) in her 10+ years as an energy healer.
- We all work for ourselves, set our own prices, keep 100% of what we charge and practice from different locations around Lafayette. (If you’re asking how does Inge & Reiki Lafayette make money then? I like your business mind & scroll down for the “business structure” section!)
- No matter what else we do, each session aims to also reconnect you with yourself, your intuition and your wholeness.
6 courses that empower you to become the energy healer you were born to be, one easy step at a time.
- These include: Healing Presence, Reiki I, II & III as well as The Energy Healing Toolkit and Chakra Journey. Together they comprise the Reiki Certificate.
- Unleashing the energy healer in you is a multi-layered process that requires a multi-layered approach. Therefore, we weave in online resources with zoom experiences as well as in-person gatherings to best support you in uncovering who you already are and what you already know.
- Classes happen on zoom as well as occasional courses in different locations in the Lafayette area.
- Reiki shares (for our students to practice!), moon circles, and truth sessions are all on the agenda.
Start with us right here
When we say your energy healing journey starts here, We Mean it.
Enter your name and e-mail to receive a free reiki-infused healing meditation. It’s 22-minutes and will shower you with love. Use liberally.… want to know more?
Let’s back up a little – I’d love to tell you the story of how Reiki Lafayette was founded.It’s a dark weekday in December 2012. I’m staring at my old and slow iMac as if it’s a crystal ball that holds the answers to the deep uncomfortable question I’m asking myself: What am I going to do?I’ve completed my last class of my Energy Medicine certificate. As challenging as they were, I loved every second of the 525 hours I spent in class learning about energy, confronting my blocks and spelunking my depths. I grieve the end of it. I’m one year into my masters in neuropsychology and I struggle to admit to myself that I know academia will never really be for me.At this time, I’ve done case studies. I can apply to be part of a naturotherapy association and give insurance receipts to clients. The only question is: “Do I dare? Do I dare try to make this work? Do I dare make a living from something as tenuous and underground as energy healing?”. Truthfully, the answer is “no”. “No, I’m not passionate enough”, “no, I’m not good enough”, “no, I’m not healed enough”, “no, I don’t know anything about marketing or business”, “no, I don’t have a space to do it from”, “no”, “no”, “no”.… and then… as I’m staring into the abyss of facebook window open on my screen, I see the red dot of a notification. I feel relief at being pulled out of my anxiety-fueled reverie. I click. An event: “Looking for a massage therapist or energy healer to share a space on St-Joseph E.”. There is no reason for me to be notified. Except. Well. That was all it took. I replied. I visited. I got the space for 3 days a week… and I figured out the rest, turning my every “no” into a “yes”. In January, 2013 I started with a few “pay what you can” clients. In February, 2013 I started for real.The rest? Well… I continued saying one yes at a time, building Reiki Lafayette step-by-step until I could fulfill the vision I’ve had for it all along which is what you see before you now.February 2013
First fully paying clientsOctober 2015
Taught Reiki I for the first timeJanuary 2017
Taught a highly successful online class for the first time (Chakra Journey) and left Montreal for the winter for the first time.March 2020
Adapting all sessions and classes to an online world (due to covid)November 2020
Getting real about what Reiki Lafayette wants to be in a post-covid world and involving other AWESOME practitioners (because Inge got pregnant and the work must continue!).2500+Healing Sessions Facilitated
700+Client Served
100+Students Taught
12+Fully Empowered Energy Healers Formed(who have gone through all 7 courses of the Reiki Certificate or equivalent).
+ 2500Healing Sessions Facilitated
+ 700Client Served
+ 100Students Taught
+ 12Fully Empowered Energy Healers Formed(who have gone through all 7 courses of the Reiki Certificate or equivalent).